A Case Study on MITRE ATT&CK and Attack Simulations


Is My Enterprise Secure? This is a question security professionals hear all the time. Often, they point to threat modeling sessions to demonstrate existing defenses against potential threats. However, even highly compliant companies are regularly breached. Traditional threat modeling often relies on the hope that the correct attack vector has been mapped. Security leaders cannot afford to rely on guesses to optimize countermeasures. Truly optimized security requires a deep understanding of the organization’s threat landscape, potential attack tactics and techniques, and existing security protocols. Knowing the tactics and methods attackers may use will give you the proper insight to effectively remediate vulnerabilities. Identify the techniques you are most susceptible to and plan accordingly. Assumptions and patchwork solutions aren’t enough to keep you safe; proactive understanding and preparation are essential.


Client Profile: Our client, a leading company in the heavy industry sector, specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of industrial machinery. Operating globally with numerous production facilities and a complex supply chain, they handle vast amounts of sensitive data, including proprietary designs and customer information. Due to the critical nature of their operations and the increasing frequency of cyber threats, the client sought a comprehensive evaluation of their cybersecurity defenses. They turned to Quadrant360 for our expertise.

Pain Points and Challenges

Challenges Faced by the Client:

  • Evolving Threat Landscape: The threat landscape in the heavy industry sector is constantly evolving, with increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks becoming more frequent. Attackers employ advanced tactics, such as ransomware, supply chain attacks, and industrial espionage. The client needed to ensure their cybersecurity defenses were up to date and capable of addressing these emerging threats. Additionally, the rise of state-sponsored cyber-attacks targeting critical infrastructure posed a significant risk, making it essential for the client to have robust and adaptive security measures in place.
  • Data Sensitivity: Handling vast amounts of sensitive client and operational data made them a prime target for cybercriminals. This data includes proprietary designs, manufacturing processes, customer information, and strategic business plans. A breach could lead to significant financial losses, intellectual property theft, and reputational damage. Protecting this sensitive data required stringent security measures and continuous monitoring to detect and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Compliance Requirements: Operating in multiple regions, the client had to comply with a myriad of stringent regulatory standards, such as GDPR, CCPA, and industry-specific regulations like NIST and ISO/IEC 27001. Compliance not only involves implementing the required security controls but also maintaining detailed records and conducting regular audits. Failing to meet these regulatory requirements could result in hefty fines and legal repercussions, making compliance a critical component of their cybersecurity strategy.
  • Detection and Response Gaps: Previous incidents revealed weaknesses in their ability to quickly detect and respond to threats. These gaps often stemmed from inadequate monitoring tools, insufficient threat intelligence, and a lack of integrated incident response processes. The client needed to enhance their security operations center (SOC) capabilities, improve threat hunting activities, and implement advanced analytics to identify and mitigate threats in real-time. Effective detection and response are crucial for minimizing the impact of a breach and ensuring business continuity.
  • Resource Constraints: The client faced limited internal cybersecurity resources, which made it challenging to maintain robust defenses and stay ahead of evolving threats. With a small team and a large, complex infrastructure to protect, they struggled to allocate sufficient time and expertise to all aspects of cybersecurity. This included areas such as vulnerability management, threat intelligence, and employee training. Addressing these resource constraints required strategic planning, prioritization of security initiatives, and potentially seeking external support to augment their internal capabilities.


Our Mission:

  • Assess the effectiveness of the client’s current threat detection and response capabilities.
  • Identify and address vulnerabilities within their cybersecurity infrastructure.
  • Provide actionable recommendations to bolster their overall security posture.


Why MITRE ATT&CK? We chose the MITRE ATT&CK framework for this engagement because it offers a comprehensive view of adversary tactics and techniques. It’s a gold standard in cybersecurity, providing a detailed blueprint of how cyber attackers operate.

Setting the Stage: Our engagement began with a thorough review of the client’s existing cybersecurity measures. We then mapped their controls against the MITRE ATT&CK matrix, set the scope for attack simulations, and prepared for a detailed gap analysis.


The MITRE ATT&CK (Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge) framework is a globally recognized knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. Developed by MITRE, a not-for-profit organization that operates federally funded research and development centers, ATT&CK provides a comprehensive matrix that details the various methods attackers use to infiltrate networks, maintain persistence, escalate privileges, and achieve their goals. The framework is used by cybersecurity professionals to improve detection, understand threat actor behavior, and develop effective defensive strategies. It covers a wide array of techniques under tactics such as Initial Access, Execution, Persistence, Privilege Escalation, Defense Evasion, Credential Access, Discovery, Lateral Movement, Collection, Exfiltration, and Impact.

Simulation Phases

Phase 1: Mapping Security Controls Our first step was to map the client’s existing security controls to the MITRE ATT&CK framework. This involved a detailed review of their security infrastructure, policies, and procedures. We identified which adversarial tactics and techniques were being effectively monitored and where the gaps existed. By overlaying the MITRE ATT&CK matrix onto their current controls, we gained a clear picture of their defensive capabilities and vulnerabilities.

The process of mapping security controls was like assembling a puzzle. Each piece of the client’s security infrastructure had to fit into the larger picture of the MITRE ATT&CK framework. This exercise revealed not only the strengths of their defenses but also critical gaps that could be exploited by attackers. By identifying these gaps, we were able to develop a targeted approach to enhancing their security posture.


  • Strong Perimeter Defenses: The client had robust measures in place to prevent initial access attempts, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and multi-factor authentication (MFA).
  • Internal Weaknesses: Despite strong perimeter defenses, there were significant gaps in detecting lateral movement and privilege escalation within the network. This meant that once an attacker breached the perimeter, they could move relatively undetected.
  • Lack of Continuous Monitoring: The client’s monitoring tools were not sufficiently integrated, leading to delays in threat detection and response. There was a need for more comprehensive and continuous monitoring solutions.

Phase 2: Attack Simulation We then moved on to simulating a range of cyber-attacks based on the MITRE ATT&CK framework. This phase involved replicating real-world adversary tactics and techniques to test the client’s detection and response capabilities. The simulations included phishing attacks, ransomware deployment, and attempts to gain lateral movement within the network.

The attack simulation phase was akin to a live-fire exercise, putting the client’s defenses to the test under realistic conditions. By simulating actual cyber-attacks, we were able to observe how well their security measures held up against determined adversaries. This hands-on approach provided invaluable insights into their operational readiness and highlighted areas that required immediate attention.


  • Perimeter Breaches Detected: The client’s defenses effectively detected and blocked most initial access attempts, demonstrating strong perimeter security.
  • Lateral Movement Undetected: During the simulations, we were able to move laterally within the network without being detected. This highlighted the need for improved internal monitoring and detection mechanisms.
  • Data Exfiltration Risks: We successfully simulated data exfiltration attempts, indicating critical weaknesses in the client’s ability to detect and prevent data theft. This was a significant risk given the sensitive nature of the data they handled.

Phase 3: Gap Analysis After the attack simulations, we conducted a comprehensive gap analysis to identify specific areas for improvement. This analysis involved reviewing the results of the simulations, comparing them against industry best practices, and developing a prioritized action plan.

The gap analysis phase was crucial in transforming the insights gained from the simulations into actionable recommendations. We held detailed workshops with the client’s security team to discuss the findings and explore the underlying causes of the identified weaknesses. Through collaborative discussions, we were able to tailor our recommendations to address their unique challenges and operational constraints.


After implementing our recommendations, the client saw significant improvements:

  • Enhanced Detection and Response: The client significantly improved their detection and response capabilities, particularly for lateral movements and data exfiltration. This was achieved through the deployment of advanced monitoring tools and the integration of threat intelligence feeds.
  • Increased Employee Awareness: The client invested in comprehensive training programs, leading to increased employee awareness and a more security-conscious culture.
  • Overall Cybersecurity Posture: The client’s overall cybersecurity posture improved, making them more resilient against evolving threats. They were better equipped to detect and respond to attacks, ensuring the protection of their sensitive data and critical operations.


At Quadrant360, we leverage industry-leading frameworks like MITRE ATT&CK to provide our clients with a clear and structured view of their cybersecurity landscape. Our comprehensive approach ensures that vulnerabilities are identified and addressed, enhancing overall security and resilience.

Expertise in MITRE ATT&CK: Our deep understanding of the MITRE ATT&CK framework allows us to offer unparalleled insights into adversary tactics and techniques. We use this knowledge to help our clients build robust defenses against the most sophisticated cyber threats.

Customized Solutions: We tailor our approach to meet the unique needs of each client. By understanding their specific challenges and operational context, we provide targeted recommendations that deliver real results.

Proven Track Record: Our successful engagements across various industries demonstrate our ability to enhance cybersecurity resilience