Quadrant360 consulting

IEC 62443 Industrial Control Consulting

We live in industry 4.0 where no processes or production hardware can be considered completely safe from cybersecurity threats. Industrial security systems provide extra protection against them in order to prevent unanticipated disastrous consequences to businesses.

A key service that Quadrant360 provide, is IEC 62443. This enables businesses to better understand the current industrial and operational technology security aspects.

IEC 62443 Deliverables:

Assessing your Security Risks : Understanding risks & their complexity, including existing countermeasures and procedures.

Vulnerability Assessments : Increased visibility by identifying your IT assets and associated vulnerabilities

Penetration Tests : Minimise potential downtime and ensuring that businesses will not suffer from unanticipated downtime or inaccessibility from clients/users.

Structured Approach : Identify, quantify and manage security risks associated to a specific application.


Avoid Significant Fines for Non-compliance

Avoid Unnecessary Reputational Damage

Minimise downtime

Maintain good stakeholder relationship

Call us at +65-31383788 or click here to email us at enquiry@quadrant360.com for more information

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