Quadrant360 consulting

ISO27001 Consulting


ISO 27001 is an internationally recognised and widely adopted standard for information security. It takes a risk-based approach to securing an organisation’s most valuable information – whether that’s in digital or physical form.

ISO 27001 helps you manage risks to your business from accidental or deliberate misuse of confidential information. Above all, complying with ISO 27001 provides you with a best practice framework for managing information security. Unlike self-regulated standards, being certified to ISO 27001 involves having an independent verification, at least once a year, that you control security appropriately.

At Quadrant360 Consulting, we help clients implement ISO 27001 efficiently and effectively, whether they are looking to achieve full certification or just wishing to align with ISO 27001.


Any organisation that has confidential information they need to protect such as customer data, payroll information, financial data or intellectual property should consider aligning with or getting fully certified to ISO 27001.

ISO 27001 can help you demonstrate compliance. Additionally, you may have to show that you follow best practice information security to become an approved supplier to a larger enterprise. It may also help reduce your cyber insurance premiums.

Our Methodology

At Quadrant360 Consulting, we start by ensuring the certification efforts have support from the highest levels of your business. That’s critical to ensuring not just a successful project but a sustained culture of security in your organisation, no matter what size.

Whether you need to measure your current information security practices against ISO 27001, or achieve certification to the standard, we provide the following steps:

  • Gap Analysis
  • Risk Assessment
  • Alignment ISMS
  • Implementation
  • Internal Audit
  • Training

Call us at +65-31383788 or click here to email us at enquiry@quadrant360.com for more information

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